Spring has always been a very special season for me. One reason, I am certain, is that my birthday falls in April.
I have such fond memories of white birthday cakes in the shape of an Easter basket, topped with yellow and pink floral icing…the sound and smell of a thunderstorm passing through…the smell of freshly-mowed grass…the chirping of birds creating beautiful melodies that echoed through the woods surrounding my home…the sound of the stream…white dogwood trees…a cornucopia of flowers…tulips…daffodils…hyacinths…all filling every nook and cranny in the woods…such childhood memories I will always cherish…
Then there is the memory that lives with me every moment of my life…I have, yet, another birthday in April. It was twenty-four years ago this coming April 27 that I took my last alcoholic drink. Yes, alcohol was taking over my life at the age of 43. But by God’s grace and the love of my daughter and son, an intervention was called on me by my family. I knew I had a problem, but was embarrassed to ask for help for so long,..that afternoon my help came…within a few hours I entered the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA…my life was about to turn around…I had hope again…for thirty days I lived and studied and worked and fellowshipped with other women like me…I knew I was not alone, that alcohol can grab ANYONE when they least expect it…it is insidious…it destroys relationships…it destroys lives…
Today I live a sober life. but not a day goes by that I don’t thank the Lord for my sobriety or ask Him to keep me sober another day…and does this mean that my life is forever sunny?…absolutely not!…but it does mean I can always “smell the raindrops” along the way.