Onward & Upward...


We are at the dusk of 2016, soon to wake up to the dawn of 2017. If you are like me, you are anxious and excited to begin a new year, a clean slate, determined not to repeat mistakes, determined to improve yourself as a human being. We all have our resolutions, and sincerely wish to see them into fruition. And this is all very admirable aspirations. But we must be careful—with grand aspirations we are more than likely unable to live up to them…and that is OK! We can only do our best!

Two profound quotes by the great 19th-century American author, Henry David Thoreau, ring inspirational to me:

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”

“Do what you love, know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still.”


Let’s not forget to live “one day at a time”, for that IS all we have. Embrace what you love, those you love. Know your passion, what makes you happy, and DO IT.

Finally, I wish to thank my support system —family, friends, all people reading my book. I could never have done, or continue to do this without you.

Holiday Cheer Without the Cheers

The holiday season is upon us once again, and with it comes a mix of emotions. For many it is a time of great joy and celebration— families travel far and wide to celebrate together, co-workers join together for office parties, friends come together for a little “bubbly”. At the center of most of these celebrations is alcohol, for after all it is a time to “let your hair down” , loosen-up, relax.

For others the holiday season is palpably anxiety-ridden, frightening. How well I remember my first Christmas after I got sober. How nervous was I to attend any party, even a family gathering. It was December, 1997. I had been sober for eight months. Memories of that first sip of champagne, the feeling it gave me as it ran through my veins, came over me.  Oh how I loved the way champagne made me feel, at least the first couple of glasses—confident, giddy, seemingly happy. But that first sip turned into another and another…and one day I landed in rehab. So that first holiday season of sobriety was frightful! But I was determined not to take a drink. I avoided parties, lunches where friends would have a glass of wine, etc., etc. I made commitments to myself I continue to adhere to. Over time celebrations became easier and easier to attend. But I will always remain vigilant—I could relapse at any moment, just as anyone else can.

The holidays today are more joyful than ever!  I have my family, my friends, my life! God’s grace is so good. If you are as frightened as I was that first holiday remember you are not alone, remember you CAN do it, one day at a time!

A very joyful , sober holiday to all!